We woke up today to find that Chloe's eye was nearly swollen shut, and the swelling was all the way up into the top of her head. So, being the responsible pet owners we are, we called a local vet and loaded her up and took her in to have her looked at and get some antibiotics for the eye infection we were sure she had. But we were floored when the vet told us that it is a tumor behind her eye that is pressing against her eye from behind, and not only that but she has questionable spots on her lungs and underneath her heart. And possibly in her breasts. The vet said that they don't know how long she will make it, but they didn't even bother giving her a rabies vaccine like we'd asked for before they dropped the C word. Evidently, the vet had a dog who had the same problem, and it made it at most a month. But it literally swelled up like that overnight, and that scares us because if it's a tumor, it's a very aggressive one.
So after two hours in the vet clinic and $600 poorer, we walked out with pain meds and anti-inflammatory drugs to make Chloe's last days as comfortable as possible. We knew she was slowing down lately, but she's 13 years old, which is really old for a big dog so we attributed it to that. So now we have to enjoy the short time we have left with her, and pray for the strength to make the right decision to let her go when her quality of life goes. But she's still a good girl, and we will keep treating her like a princess until then. And cry until our hearts break.
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