Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day 94: November 29th, 2009

Quote of the Day: “What shall I do with all the days and hours That must be counted ere I see thy face?
How shall I charm the interval that lowers Between this time and that sweet time of grace?”
~Frances Anne Kemble

I got up this morning to a very dark, cloudy, dreary day. My first thought was “Well, I guess I’m off the hook for doing Christmas lights today… The forecast said cloudy and windy with showers and a high of 54. So… maybe a better idea would be cleaning up the house and baking bread, instead?”

And then I thought, “Oh, wait…. Better check the three-day forecast…. Hmm. Tomorrow is sunny and 60 for a high, but Tuesday is going to be just like today. Sigh. That only gives me one day to get it ALL done. Maybe I’d better suck it up and get out there in a little bit and just do it, huh? I guess I can go out there and throw a net or two onto the bushes, right? In between rain, that is. Then I’ll just hook them all up to the power all at once, and that would give me all day tomorrow to set up the ground lighting that took Ron FOREVER to do last year. As for the ladder and doing the roof, well… you can’t climb a wet ladder safely, so that will have to be put off until tomorrow.”

I should have known that I should have pushed myself to do the lights yesterday! UGH! I guess the moral of the story is that when Carmen doesn’t want to do something she can find a million and one reasons why it shouldn’t be done. HAHAHA! But seriously, tomorrow will be better for it, so maybe it’s best that I didn’t do it.

Instead, I spent the day doing miscellaneous things around the house. I put self-closing hinges on the bathroom doors to keep the cats out of there. I fixed up the mantle in Christmas stuff so that it looks a little more like it fits in with the tree. I watched some TV.  I’ve done some laundry. I’ve cleaned up some of the mess. All in all, it’s been a semi-productive day. Tomorrow morning first thing I have got to get up and get outside to put up some lights, but today is for cleaning and maintenance. And of course, it’s also for the ever-popular “dreaming up of ideas to do to the house to make it nicer.”

Today’s thought is regarding the inadequate kitchen lighting, and how nice it would be to take out the lights that are in there and put up some recessed lighting. And I also finally decided that over Christmas break I’m going to utilize the paint we bought LAST YEAR to finally paint the backsplash in the kitchen. The only reason that I haven’t done it yet is because I find it a little bit intimidating because of all the prepwork that HAS to be done right to get it to stick without flaking off or being weak enough to scrub off when you wash down the tile. Just one more thing to keep me busy and keep my mind off things, yes, but you never know what other ideas I might come up with if I don’t have something to do. Right?

And I finally got Cody to start cleaning up his room! I went in there and took out the extra bed, leaving him with just one bed. Then I just told him that he has until bedtime to have his room clean because all day tomorrow Mom’s going to be at home, bored, with nothing to do… except box up everything in his room that I find to put in the trash. So he has been pretty much in his room cleaning since then. You can actually see the floor!!!

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