Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day 19: September 15th, 2009

Quote of the Day: "Study while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing; and dream while others are wishing. -William Arthur Ward"

Hello! My name is Kalamena Big-Tooth Tiki... Welcome to the backyard! There's been lots going on around here today.

The bees are out pollinating....

the baby pineapple plant is growing VERY well, unlike the parent plant which seems to have seen better days...

And FINALLY ... My owner Ron's bright yellow daylilies have FINALLY begun to bloom. Not bad... the rest of them were done in the spring. **********

And the sun has been hiding behind clouds again today. But that is a story for another time, for I am tired of the weather. Whatever happened to the saying "This is Texas, if you don't like the weather wait five minutes." The good news is that the Red River has finally come back up just a little bit. Now, if we could just get a little more cool weather.....

As for Carmen, today has been a very busy day for me. I spent it fluttering around like a chicken with my head cut off between trying to prepare Ron's care package to be sent, and studying. Our test is tomorrow, so Laurie has come over tonight to pull an all-nighter. We are bound and determined to get a good grade on the test, and I figure that since I've been so sleep-deprived ever since Ron left I figure I'm not going to miss out on much. We just figured that we could get a lot of good studying in, take a little nap, then study some more on the way to school. We've been studying so much lately that it's not anything out of our usual. I've been going to bed anywhere from midnight to two am every night, so this is no big change for me. Incidentally, I have to make this blog short tonight, so I'll leave you with Mocha's outfit of the day.... Goodbye until tomorrow! :)

Mocha wearing a "Tuff Dog" shirt... Yeah, REAL TOUGH. ;)

Yeah, okay, I get it... Mocha loves to be a lap dog!

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